Why don't employers and recruiters state the salary range in all job advertisements?

Another of my pet hates is when employers ask you to specify your salary expectations. Why? Is it so that they can save money if your expectation is lower than theirs?
To compound it further, candidates then expend considerable effort preparing for interviews where they are still kept in the dark on salary level. Certainly in the UK, it's not considered de rigueur to raise the important issue of salary during the first interview; it's something you discuss at second interview or, worse, you wait until they make an offer. So you could go to a huge amount of time and effort only to learn, ultimately, that the salary is not even in your ball park.
In my opinion, this lack of transparency contributes to pay inequality - especially since there is a general consensus that women often underestimate their value and ask for less than men.
So, instead of the government pushing for audits to establish disparities in remuneration, why don't they push for transparency in job advertisements with salary levels being disclosed at all levels? If they could just do this simple thing, which would take no effort at all, it would save candidates, recruiters and employers from wasting time reviewing applications and conducting interviews when they're all on different pages anyway.
Salary transparency... let's have more of it please.
Barbara Patrick, Professional CV Writer and Career Coach
Compelling CVs, Berkshire, UK
To set up a call, please email: mail @ compellingcvs.co.uk
Always happy to talk.