Ideas for gaining skills, adding value to your CV and enhancing your employability

What next?
If you don't have a job, an internship or work experience lined up, what should you do next?
Perhaps take a gap year?
If you didn't take a gap year before you started college or university, now might be a good time to do this. However, it's crucial that you plan what you're going to do and that as well as being a great experience it will add value to your CV. Here are just a few options:
Whatever volunteering you opt for, it's best to ensure that it's relevant or that you'll gain valuable transferable skills.
Skills Improvement
Independent Travel
Many years ago I travelled solo to Australia and New Zealand. I obtained a "Working Holiday Visa" and was able to take temporary office and bar work to subsidise my travel costs. I can still say today that it was the best year of my life and it made me much more confident than I'd previously been.
Work Experience
Or you could register with an employment agency and take on a succession of temporary roles that will give you some vocational experience and transferable skills for your CV. Temporary jobs often transition into permanent roles. If a company likes what they see, they'll likely make you an offer. So, again, target the type of company or market that you'd like to work in.
Teaching English as a Foreign Language - TEFL
Whatever you choose to do, here's what NOT to do after graduation...
- Don't get off the roundabout - you might never get back on
- Don't waste your time taking "well-deserved R&R" - you'll miss the boat
- Don't chill out watching TV or catching up on 3 years' worth of missed sleep
Life's not a rehearsal - you're future starts now.
And remember that learning is lifelong - it doesn't stop after your graduation ceremony.